A demake of Clutter from Puzzles By Joe that fits in the length of a tweet! (280 bytes / characters, to be precise)


In Pico-Clutter, there are nineteen pairs of objects on screen, plus one lonely object! Your goal is to find the single lonely object. Once you find it, hover over it with your mouse and click to see if you're right!

Press ctrl+r if you want to load a new puzzle!

g=2*flr(r(20))+2b=r()m=stat::_::cls()srand(b)c=m(32)d=m(33)for i=2,43do
?i!=g and sub(a,j,j)or"",x,y,x==mid(x,c-5,c)and y==mid(y,d-5,d)and(0==m(34)and 7or g+1==i and 3or 2)or 5
flip()goto _

This is part my series about making fanart of Georgia Indies, in the form of tweetcarts! You can find more of them here.

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